Oops, another dissenter. This time the dean of hurricane forecasters, Colorado State University storm prognosticator William Gray, who says not only are we unlikely to be causing global warming, but what there is of it is unlikely to foster stronger hurricanes or destroy the earth.
Quick, Al, find someone to shut him up before he imperils your scheme. Unless you’re already too busy answering other dissenters. Maybe Barbara Boxer can handle this one.
Via Fresh Bilge, which led me to this lengthy, but readable, scientific argument against Anthropogenic (human-caused) Global Warming, which led to the link above on Gray.
UPDATE: Oops is right. Now many of the American Physical Society’s almost 50,000 physicists also are out of Al’s and Barbara’s box. Oh, where will it end?
MORE: Then, mirabile dictu, the physicists changed their minds, again, sort of. So the scheme is still, sort of, safe for now, Gorebot. But watch the gas guzzling, okay? It’s bad for your image, oh sainted one.